The animated stories about Vilnius and its history have already been supplemented by 5 virtual reality stories, which invite you to get to know Vilnius interactively. Through VR glasses you will see stories about the founding legend of Vilnius, also, you will have a look at the images and people of the completely restored Jewish street from the 18th century, dive into a unique fireworks festival dedicated to the name-day of King August III, fly through the magnificent church of St. Peter and St. Paul and take a walk around Vilnius University architectural ensemble and get to know people of the University's history.
You can experience the world of VR at the VU Adam Mickiewicz Museum.
Each visitor: 7 Eur, VU community members*: 3 Eur.
Adam Mickiewicz Museum (Bernardinų g. 11)
* for students, and staff with a VU document.
Registration: https://bit.ly/3h5YQBu.